Directive: Observance of Mourning for the Overthrow of the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii


No. 1/2024

Subject: Observance of Mourning for the Overthrow of the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii

To: All Government Offices, Public Institutions, and Citizens of Kaharagia

In solemn recognition and mourning of the 131st anniversary of the illegal overthrow of the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii, this directive is hereby issued by the Crown Office, under the orders of His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia, to observe the following:

1. Lowering of Flags: All Kaharagian flags, with the exception of the royal standard and flags of other members of the royal family, are to be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Wednesday, 17 January 2024.

2. Display of the Hawaiian Flag: As a symbol of distress and solidarity with the Kingdom of Hawaii, it is authorized to fly the Hawaiian flag upside down from secondary flagpoles.

3. Duration of Observance: This directive is in effect for the entire day of Wednesday, 17 January 2024, from sunrise to sunset.

4. Public Participation: All citizens, government offices, and public institutions are requested to comply with this directive to demonstrate our collective mourning and support for the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii.

This directive serves as a symbol of our principality’s respect for and solidarity with the Hawaiian people. It is a gesture of our commitment to recognizing and lamenting historical injustices.

By order of His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia

 Detroit, 15 January 2024

File Type: pdf
Categories: Crown Office Directive
Tags: Hawaii, Kaharagian Flag, Mourning
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