Official Statement on the Death of Alexei Navalny

It is with profound sorrow that His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia extends his deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Alexei Navalny, particularly to his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, their children, and his parents, in light of his tragic death. The Principality of Kaharagia emphatically places the responsibility for Mr. Navalny’s death on the Russian government, citing his status as a prisoner in their custody.

This tragic event transcends personal loss, serving as a poignant reminder of the dangers faced by those bravely opposing autocratic regimes and advocating for democratic values. His Royal Highness underscores the urgency for an exhaustive and impartial inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Mr. Navalny’s demise. In the event that investigations reveal evidence of deliberate wrongdoing, it is crucial that justice prevails, and those culpable are held to account. Mr. Navalny’s steadfast commitment to democratic principles and human rights endures beyond his death, fortifying our collective determination to champion these ideals globally.

Detroit, 16 February 2024

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Categories: Official Statement
Tags: Alexei Navalny, Russia
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