Official Statement

Congratulatory Message on the 20th Anniversary of His Majesty The King of Cambodia’s Accession

His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia has sent a letter to His Majesty The King of Cambodia on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of His Accession to the Throne and Coronation. In his message, The Prince conveyed heartfelt congratulations and warm wishes to His Majesty, celebrating two decades of steadfast leadership and dedication to the Cambodian people.

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Statement on the Private Visit of His Royal Highness The Prince to Pennsylvania

His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia, will embark on a private visit to Pennsylvania at the end of June. His itinerary includes time in Pittsburgh, a respectful visit to Gettysburg, and a stay in Philadelphia. His Royal Highness looks forward to potential engagements with local Kaharagians and friends of the Principality, schedule permitting.

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Appeal for Compassion and Justice in the Case of Detained American Tourists in Turks and Caicos

The Principality of Kaharagia issued a statement addressing the situation of several American tourists detained in Turks and Caicos for inadvertently possessing ammunition. While respecting the sovereignty and laws of Turks and Caicos, the statement emphasises the importance of compassion, recognising the accidental nature of the incidents. It highlights the severe emotional impact on families, particularly children separated from their parents, and appeals for leniency and mercy in handling these cases, balancing justice with humanity.

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Official Statement on the Death of Alexei Navalny

His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia expresses deep condolences to Mr. Alexei Navalny’s family following his death, holding the Russian government responsible due to Navalny’s prisoner status. The Prince stresses the need for a thorough investigation and accountability for any foul play, highlighting Navalny’s enduring legacy in championing democratic values and human rights.

Official Statement on the Death of Alexei Navalny Read More »

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