Kaharagian Nationality

Acquiring Kaharagian Nationality deepens an individual’s connection with the Principality of Kaharagia, enhancing their appreciation of its vibrant culture. Uniquely, unlike other nations, Kaharagian Nationality does not automatically grant residency rights to its nationals. Consequently, we refer to naturalized Kaharagians as nationals rather than citizens. As Kaharagia continues to grow and develop, opportunities for residency will become available to non-resident Kaharagian nationals.

His Royal Highness The Prince of Kaharagia, has graciously waived the processing fees for both the petition and the physical nationality certificate. We kindly ask that applicants only proceed if they are genuinely committed to making a meaningful contribution to Kaharagia’s development. If your expertise does not fit into an existing category, we are open to discussions to determine how your skills can best serve our principality.

We encourage applicants to thoroughly explore the Kaharagian website, official gazette, and social media platforms to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Principality of Kaharagia and its objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to become a Kaharagian; what is the process?
  • If one or more of your parents were Kaharagian nationals at the time of your birth or acquired Kaharagian nationality before your eighteenth (18) birthday, you are already a Kaharagian national. Please use the Register as a Kaharagian National Form.
  • If your spouse is a Kaharagian national or you are over eighteen and not eligible for nationality through your parents, you should fill out the expeditated Nationality Petition. You can get access to this by contacting the Nationality Office using the form in the navigation above.
  • If you have no prior connections to a Kaharagian national, you must fill out the Petition for Kaharagian Nationality. This process takes a few months, and if there are no issues, you will be made a Kaharagian national by royal decree of the Prince of Kaharagia.
Do I lose my other citizenships by becoming a Kaharagian national?

No. Kaharagian nationality is not recognized the same way British or United States citizenship is recognized.

Does Kaharagian nationality allow me to move to Kaharagia or facilitate settlement in the United States?

No. Presently, Kaharagian nationality is non-resident nationality, meaning it does not come with the right to reside in Kaharagian territory. Presently, Kaharagia holds no territory, but we are in the process of looking for territory; once land is claimed, we will open Kaharagian residency to Kaharagian who will benefit the nation most.

Kaharagia does not maintain formal diplomatic relations with the United States; therefore, we can not facilitate travel or residency in the United States.

What do I get for becoming a Kaharagian national?

We sincerely hope you are not becoming a Kaharagian national to get anything. We hope you are joining us to build our nation up. When you receive your nationality certificate, you will receive it via physical mail.

What is the cost of becoming a Kaharagian national?

There is no cost. Donations are always welcome. It costs a significant amount of money and volunteer time to build Kaharagia.

  • Your initial certificate of Nationality is provided free of charge.
  • Duplicate/Replacementnt Certficates are provided for $10.00
  • Kaharagian National ID Card can be purchased for $20.00

If you have further questions, please reach out to us at contact@kaharagia.org