The Sovereign

Prince Maximilian, born on October 23, 1990, ascended as the reigning Sovereign of Kaharagia at the inception of the nation on July 16, 2010. His establishment of Kaharagia was a bold manifestation of the right to self-determination, symbolizing the aspiration for the sovereignty of smaller, self-governing states.

Background and Education

Originating from Detroit, Michigan, in the United States, Prince Maximilian is a product of the local education system. His interests deeply root in History and Religious Studies, leading him to acquire both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in History. He recently completed a second Master’s degree in Education.

Succession and Personal Life

His Royal Highness is currently unmarried and without children. The Kaharagian succession line appoints his aunt, Princess Gloria, as the heir presumptive. This status, however, is subject to change should the Prince have any children.

Sovereign’s Role as Head of State and Nation

Kaharagian law and government tradition grants the Sovereign extensive powers, Prince Maximilian governs as an enlightened monarch, wholeheartedly dedicated to the welfare of his people—a fundamental ethos of Kaharagian rule. He is supported by the Council of State, a consultative assembly of esteemed citizens who assist in legislative drafting and provide counsel as requested by the Prince.

The Prince is also the personification of the nation; therefore, he is the premier representative of the nation.

Titles and Styles

The Prince’s style and title in full: His Royal Highness The Most Noble and Most August Sovereign Prince MAXIMILIAN, By the Grace of God, Prince of Kaharagia, Lord and Protector of the Kaharagi

This most formal style reflects Kaharagia’s monarchical heritage but is rarely used.

The royal “et cetera, et cetera, et cetera” is often added to this title to allude to the Prince’s other titles like his Sovereignty of the royal orders. By custom, the Prince does not use or accept foreign noble titles.

Kaharagian Honours

As Sovereign Lord and Master of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Michael the Archangel and Sovereign of the Royal Order of the Kaharagian Eagle, His Royal Highness wears the insignia of membership of said orders.

His Royal Highness is also sovereign of the Kaharagian decorations and medals, however by custom, Monarchs do not wear their own medals.

Foreign Honours

The Prince rarely accepts foreign honours and generally restricts his acceptance to individuals and organizations with whom His Royal Highness has a close friendship. This is the case with his acceptance of the dignity of Knight of the Exalted and August Byzantine Order of the Silver Cross, a house order established by the late Duke of Marykatos (1942-2021), a noble of the Byzantine Empire, specifically the Lascaris-Comnenus claimants.

It should be understood that the Sovereign’s acceptance of any honour should not be considered an endorsement of an organization, individual, or any claim they make.

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