Great Seal of the Realm
The Great Seal of the Realm features Prince Maximilian dressed in Byzantine vestments crowned with a golden laurel, holding the eagle sceptre in his right hand and his left hand, the globus cruciger. The circumscription “MAKSIMILIJAN • U BOŽEJ MILASTI • CRNEŽ KAHARAŽIJE” is the Kaharaž form of the royal title.
Unlike the British Great Seal, the seal is single-sided and is 50mm in diameter. Officially, there is a handled wax sealer of the great seal and an ink seal along with a matrix for blind embossing. The Sovereign has also authorized a smaller version for documents where the 50mm seal would be too large.

The Great Seal can be affixed to documents bearing the signature of the Sovereign or in place of the Sovereign’s signature. For example, citizenship documents feature the seal but not the signature of the Sovereign who signed the decree granting citizenship. It can also be used to be affixed to seal envelopes of documents to foreign leaders.
Only one official version of the Great Seal exists and is kept locked in a walnut box and secured by the Keeper of the Great Seal. The current Keeper of the Great Seal is Count Lupro, who affixes the seal to documents by order of the Sovereign.
The current design of the Great Seal was made by The Count Lupro and manufactured by Nikolay Kharlamov. The Great Seal of the Realm is regulated by Royal Decree No. 23/2022 of 20 September 2022.
Sovereign’s Personal Seal

The seal exists in two forms: a brass wax seal to seal envelopes and an embossed version sticker also used to seal envelopes. The seal is used on personal letters and greetings. The keeper of the Sovereign’s personal seal is his Private Secretary.
The Sovereign’s Personal Seal features the royal cypher of Prince Maximilian crowned and surrounded by the royal motto “PRO DEO ET PATRIA”, in Latin, meaning “For God and Fatherland”.
Other Royal Seals of Kaharagia

The Royal Order of the Kaharagian Eagle has its own seal. The Sovereign makes appointments for the Order of The Kaharagian Eagle through a Royal Decree under the Great Seal of the Realm, but the brevet of appointment is signed by the Sovereign (or the chancellor), and the seal of the order is affixed. The seal is a traditional ink seal featuring the order’s insignia surrounded by the text “THE ROYAL ORDER OF THE KAHARAGIAN EAGLE”. The seal is also affixed to the statutes of the order. The chancellor of the order keeps the seal.